There are three main aspects why we need the project ASSISTANT:
First is related directly to the need of business and industry organizations on digital transformation curricular, the increased number of the topics what nowadays organizations need to know for their successful business process: i.e. Big data, Digital twins, Artificial intelligence, Robotics technologies need to be included to the study programs or for life long learners fully online.
Teachers need AI technologies to assure successful contribution to the support of the learning process. During pandemic increased request of support to get new skills and knowledge by support in the individual way. For this can help AI technology based digital assistants (chatbots) prepared/trained to assist in the requested digital transformation field.
To get the added value to learners by involving business organization to the challenges solving we need to develop CBL scenarios that will contribute directly to the digital transformation field.
Project ASSISTANT is focusing to the EU Digital principles strategy declaring that Everyone should have access to technology, which should be inclusive, and promote our rights. Moreover we are planning to develop not only digital transformation curricular but digital assistance technologies based on Artificial intelligence solutions to support learning process.
to increase the number of courses on Digital transformation curricular by developing four courses.
to increase of using intelligence technologies in education by developing virtual assistant.
to increase HE and Business collaboration in education by integrating CBL scenarios into curricular.
to improve learners’ experience on digital transformation settings supported with chatbots.
to increase awareness on benefits and implementation practices.
ASSISTANT results will be developed:
R1 - Digital transformation curricular
R2 - Virtual assistant
R3 - CBL scenarios
increased digital transformation skills and competences of at least 80 students (formal and non formal)
increased teachers competences on chatbots design and development for learning curricular (totally 4 teachers)
improved learning experience by CBL methodology (totally 80 students)